What should you talk about with your girlfriend? It can be tough to keep the conversation going sometimes, but luckily there are some tried and true ways to get things started. One of the best ways to do this is to ask her questions. Statistics say that couples who ask each other meaningful questions have closer, more fulfilling relationships.
Questions can be a great way to get to know someone, and they can also be a fun way to pass the time. But what kind of questions should you ask? Here are 99 good questions to ask a girl whether you’ve just started dating or have been together for years.
1. What’s Your Favorite Thing About Yourself?
If you wish to get to know your partner better, start with the most basic question of all – What is her favorite thing about herself? This will give you an insight into how she sees herself and what she values most about herself.
2. What’s Your Favorite Thing About Me?
This is a great question to ask your girlfriend, especially if you’re looking for ways to improve your relationship. It lets her know that you care about her opinion and want to make sure that you’re doing things that she enjoys.
3. What’s Your Favorite Memory With Me?
This is another great question that can help you build closer memories with your girlfriend. By knowing her favorite memory with you, you can work to create more experiences like that.
4. What Are Your Hobbies?

This is a good question to ask your girlfriend because it gives you a little insight into what she likes to do in her spare time. You might find that you have some shared interests, or you can brainstorm new ideas for activities to do together.
5. What’s Your Favorite Type of Food?
Another great question that can help you get to know your girlfriend better. If you’re both fans of Thai food, for example, you might want to suggest going out for Thai sometimes. If her favorite food is something you don’t really like, though, you might want to steer clear!
6. What’s Your Biggest Fear?
This question can be a little daunting, but it can also help you get to know your girlfriend better. It shows that you care about her and want to ensure that you’re doing things that she enjoys.
7. What’s the Most Daring Thing You’ve Ever Done?
This is another great question to get to know your girlfriend better. It can help you learn about her personality and what she’s really like when she’s out of her comfort zone.
8. What’s the Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to You?
It is a tough question, but it can be very revealing. It shows that you care about your girlfriend and want to make sure that you’re doing things that she enjoys.
9. What’s Your Favorite Place to Be?
If you’re looking for things to do together, this is a great question to ask. It shows that you care about your girlfriend’s happiness and want to make sure that she’s happy with the places you go together.
10. What’s Your Favorite Thing to Do?
This is another great question to get to know your girlfriend better. It can help you learn about her hobbies and interests.
11. What Are Your Thoughts on Relationships?
This is a great question to get to know your girlfriend better. It helps you understand what she wants in a relationship and how she views relationships.
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12. What Are Your Thoughts on Marriage?
This is one of the serious questions to ask your girlfriend as family and marriage are crucial aspects of life. It helps you understand what she wants in a relationship and how she views marriage.
13. The House You Would Want to Build?
If you could have any house in the world, what would it look like? This is a fun question that can tell you a lot about your girlfriend’s dreams and aspirations.
14. What Are You Passionate About?
This question can help you get to know your girlfriend better. It enables you to understand what she is passionate about and what she enjoys doing.
15. What’s Your Dream Wedding Like?
This is another question that can help you get a better understanding of your girlfriend’s thoughts on marriage. If she has any specific ideas about her dream wedding, be sure to listen and take notes!
16. What Is Your Ideal Relationship?
If you want some romantic questions to ask a girl, this one’s for you. It helps you understand what she is looking for and can give you ideas for things to do together that she will enjoy.
17. What Are Your Thoughts on Kids?

One of the cute questions to ask your girlfriend is her opinion on kids. Children can be a dealbreaker for some couples, so it is important to know your girlfriend’s thoughts on them.
18. What’s Your Idea of a Perfect Date?
Dates are a time for romance and fun. By understanding your girlfriend’s favorite thing to do on a date, you can get an idea of the types of activities she enjoys most. You can also use this information to plan future dates together that will be exciting and memorable.
19. What Are Your Favorite Activities?
Knowing your girlfriend’s favorite activities is a great way to plan dates and activities that will make her happy. From going to the movies to hiking in the park, there are plenty of activities that both of you can enjoy together.
20. What Are Your Thoughts on Sex?
This is another important question to ask if you want to know what your girlfriend wants in a relationship. Some girls are looking for a serious relationship while others just want casual sex, so it is important to know where she stands on this issue.
21. What Kind of Music Do You Like?
This is an important question to ask if you want to know what kind of music your girlfriend prefers. From country to hip-hop, there are a variety of different genres of music that she may enjoy.
22. What Is Your Ideal Vacation Spot?
Vacations are a time to relax and escape from the everyday grind. By understanding your girlfriend’s favorite place to go on vacation, you can get an idea of what kind of relaxation she enjoys. You can also use this information to plan future vacations together that will be sure to please her.
23. What Is Your Favorite TV Show?
One of the fun questions to ask your girlfriend is about her favorite TV show. This question can lead to some great conversations about her favorite characters, plot lines, and moments from her favorite TV show. You may even find that you have a new favorite show to watch together.
24. What Is Your Favorite Movie?
Like favorite TV shows, movies can also be a great way to bond with your girlfriend. If you share a favorite movie, you can watch it together and have a discussion afterward.
25. The One Thing You Would Want Your Man to Do for You Always?
Ask her what one thing she would want you to do for her always. This will give you insight into what is important to her and how you can make her happy.
26. What’s Your Favorite Thing to Do for Fun?
This is one of the great things to ask a girl if you want to get to know her better. It can help you understand her interests and what she enjoys doing in her free time.
27. What Is Your Favorite Color?
This is a simple question that can help you get to know your girlfriend better. It can also be used as a starting point for conversation.
28. What Is Your Favorite Flower?
Almost every girl has a favorite flower, so asking this question is a great way to get to know your girlfriend better.
29. What Is Your Favorite Book?

Books can be a great way to get to know someone. If your girlfriend has a favorite book, it can tell you a lot about her. Such personal questions to ask a girl show that you are interested in her and want to get to know her better.
30. What Is the Cheesiest Compliment You Ever Got?
This question can help you choose what type of compliments to give your girlfriend and what type of compliments to avoid. It can also give you some insight into her sense of humor.
31. If You and I Go to a Reality Show, What Would It Be?
This question can help you get to know your girlfriend’s interests and what type of TV shows she likes. It can also be fun and give you some ideas for future dates.
32. What Is the Best Piece of Advice You’ve Ever Received?
This question can help you get to know your girlfriend’s life experiences and the types of advice she values. It can also provide some interesting conversation starters.
33. Are There Any Unsolved Mysteries That Interest You?
This question can help you get to know your girlfriend’s hobbies and interests. Additionally, it can provide some interesting discussion topics.
34. What Would Be Your Dream Vacation Destination?
This question can help you get to know your girlfriend’s travel interests and the types of vacations she enjoys.
35. Do You Have Any Pets? If Not, Would You Like to Have Any?
Pets can be a great topic of conversation, and they can also provide some interesting insights into your girlfriend’s personality. Additionally, if your girlfriend doesn’t have any pets, this question can help you gauge her interest in getting one in the future.
36. What Is the Best Present You Ever Got From Someone Else?
This question can help you get to know your girlfriend’s favorite gifts, and it can also provide some insights into her personality. Additionally, if your girlfriend is particularly fond of a certain gift, this question can give you some ideas for future presents.
37. What Is the Most Interesting Place Have You Ever Been To?
This question can help you get to know your girlfriend’s sense of adventure. If your girlfriend has a particularly interesting story about a place she’s been, this question can give you some insight into her past.
38. When Did You Know You Were in Love With Me?
If you wish to gauge your girlfriend’s level of commitment, this question is a perfect one to start. It can also provide some insight into her personality. If your girlfriend has a particularly romantic answer to this question, it can be a sweet moment for the two of you.
39. What Is Your Favorite Memory of Us Together?
Every person has a different favorite memory, and this question can lead to some interesting conversations. It can also help you understand what your girlfriend values in a relationship. If your girlfriend has a negative answer to this question, it may be an indication that she is not as happy with the relationship as you are.
40. What Do You Love Most About Me?
If you wish to understand what your girlfriend values in a relationship, this is a question that you should ask her. If your girlfriend loves you, she will have no problem telling you what she loves about you.
41. What Are Three Qualities About Me That You Were First Attracted To?
If you wish to get to know your girlfriend on a deeper level, this is a question that you can ask her. If your girlfriend loves you, she will likely remember the qualities about you that first attracted her to you.
42. Does Anything About Me Make You Uncomfortable?
If your girlfriend has any concerns about your relationship, this is a question that will allow her to express them. If your girlfriend loves you, she will want to make sure that you are comfortable with everything about her.
43. Are There Any Aspects of My Personality That You Don’t Like?
If there are aspects of your personality that your girlfriend does not like, it is important to know about them.
44. Are You Happy With Me?
This is a very important question to ask your girlfriend. If she is not happy with you, it is essential to know why.
45. What Do You Think Our Relationship Will Be Like in Five Years?
If you are looking to have a long-term relationship with your girlfriend, this is a question that you should ask her. By asking her this question, you will be able to get an idea of where she sees the two of you in the future.
46. What Are Your Thoughts on Religion?
If religion is important to you, this is a question that you should ask your girlfriend. By knowing her thoughts on religion, you will be able to determine if you two are compatible.
47. What Is Your Ideal Career?
Knowing your girlfriend’s ideal career is important because it can help you decide if you want to be with someone who is always going to be chasing their career dreams or if you would rather be with someone who is content with having a job that they love.
48. How Do You Feel About Spending Time Alone?

If your girlfriend is not comfortable spending time alone, this could be a sign that she is dependent on others and may not be the best fit for you. On the other hand, if she enjoys her alone time, this could be a sign that she is independent and confident.
49. Do You Like to Be Around People, or Do You Prefer to Be Alone?
This question is similar to the previous one, but it allows you to get a bit more insight into how your girlfriend feels about being around others. If she prefers to be alone, this could be a sign that she is introverted or shy. However, if she likes to be around people, this could be a sign that she is extroverted and outgoing.
50. What Are Three Strengths You See Between Us That We Possess as a Team?
This question is a good way to start thinking about the strengths your girlfriend sees in you. It can help to remind you of why she fell in love with you in the first place, and it can also help build up your confidence.
51. Are There Any Weaknesses That We Need to Work on Together?
This question is similar to the previous one, but it allows you to get a bit more insight into your girlfriend’s thoughts about the relationship. If she feels like there are some weaknesses that you both need to work on, this could be a sign that she is committed to making the relationship work. However, if she doesn’t mention any weaknesses or seems hesitant to talk about them, this could be a sign that she is not as invested in the relationship as you are.
52. Do You Ever Get Jealous of Other Couples?
Jealousy is a normal emotion, but it can also be destructive if it’s not kept in check. For example, if your girlfriend feels jealous of other couples, it could be a sign that she is insecure in the relationship. This question will help you to understand her feelings, and it will also give you a chance to reassure her that she is the only one for you.
53. How Did You Know You Wanted to Be With Me?
This question will help you to understand what your girlfriend loves about you. It will also show you how much she values the relationship and could lead to a deeper conversation about the two of you.
54. How and When Did You Know We’d Make It as a Couple?
This is another great question that will help you understand your girlfriend’s thoughts and feelings about the relationship.
55. Beach or Mountains?
This question is a great way to start a conversation about the two of your favorite places. It can also help you learn more about your girlfriend’s interests and personality.
56. If You Could Have Any Superpower, What Would It Be?
If you wish to understand your girlfriend’s thoughts and dreams, this is a great question to ask her. It will also give you a glimpse into her imagination and what she would do if she had superpowers.
57. Who Is Your Celebrity Crush?
This question is a fun way to learn more about your girlfriend’s taste in celebrities. It can also be used as a way to start a conversation about crushes and relationships.
58. What Was Your First Kiss Like?
This question is a great way to learn more about your girlfriend’s first kiss. It can also help you understand her thoughts and feelings about kissing in general.
59. What Is Your Favorite Love Song?
It’s a great way to start a conversation about music and relationships. You can also learn more about your girlfriend’s taste in music.
60. What Is the Sexiest Thing About Me?
This is a fun question that will get her thinking about you in a different light. It can be something as simple as your eyes or your smile. She may come up with something that you had never considered before. This can be a great way to learn more about her and to spice up your relationship.
61. Would You Rather Have a Romantic Dinner at Home or Go Out to a Fancy Restaurant?
This one will help you better understand your girlfriend’s thoughts on romance and relationships.
62. What Is Your Favorite Love Story?
This question is a great way to start a conversation about relationships and love.
63. What Is the Best Advice You Have Ever Been Given About Love?
Love is a complicated topic, so it is natural to seek advice from others. This question will allow your girlfriend to share her thoughts on love and relationships.
64. A Dream That Comes to You Often
Love is a complicated topic, so it is natural to seek advice from others. This question will allow your girlfriend to share her thoughts on love and relationships.
65. Would You Rather Have a Family or Stay Single?
This one can be a tough question to answer, as both options have their own pros and cons. Your girlfriend’s answer can give you an idea of what she values most in life.
66. What Is the Best Way to Show Someone You Love Them?
Every person is different, so there is no one definitive answer to this question. Ask your girlfriend for her thoughts on the matter and see if you can put together a plan based on her suggestions.
67. What Are Your Thoughts on Soulmates?
Soulmates are often romanticized in movies and television shows, but do people really believe in them? This question will help you understand your girlfriend’s beliefs about love and relationships.
68. What Are Your Thoughts on Love at First Sight?
Love, at first sight, is often seen as a magical occurrence, but is it really possible? Ask your girlfriend for her thoughts on this subject and see where she stands.
69. What Are Your Thoughts on Fate?
Do you believe that some things are meant to be, or do you think that people have the power to create their own destiny? This question will help you understand your girlfriend’s beliefs about love and relationships.
70. What Is the Best Way to Show Someone You Care About Them?
Everyone expresses their love differently, so there is no one correct answer to this question. Talk to your girlfriend and find out how she would like to be shown that you care about her. Then try to put together a plan based on her preferences.
71. If You Could Visit Any Time Period, When Would You Pick?
This question can help you understand your girlfriend’s interests and what she finds appealing about different time periods.
72. What Is the Most Significant Event From Your Childhood?
Childhood memories are some of the most cherished possessions that we have. By understanding your girlfriend’s most significant event from her childhood, you can gain some valuable insight into who she is as a person.
73. What Is Your Favorite Holiday and Why?
Every holiday has its own unique set of traditions and meanings. By understanding your girlfriend’s favorite holiday, you can get a better idea of what is important to her. You can also use this information to plan special holidays together that are tailored to her interests.
74. What Is Your Favorite Thing to Do on a Weekend?

Weekends are a time for fun and relaxation. By understanding your girlfriend’s favorite thing to do on the weekend, you can get an idea of how she likes to spend her free time. You can also use this information to plan future weekends together that will be enjoyable for both of you.
75. What Fictional Place Would You Like to Visit?
Fictional places can be a lot of fun to visit. By understanding your girlfriend’s favorite fictional place, you can get an idea of the types of places that she enjoys visiting. You can also use this information to plan future vacations together that will be exciting and new for both of you.
76. If You Could Be Good at Any Sport, Which Would You Choose?
Your girlfriend’s favorite sport can say a lot about her personality. If she enjoys watching or playing sports, it’s likely that she is competitive and enjoys being active. By understanding her favorite sport, you can plan future dates and activities that will be enjoyable for both of you.
77. How Do You Measure Success?
For some people, success is measured by wealth or power. For others, it’s more about personal satisfaction or making a difference in the world. Understanding how your girlfriend measures success can help you support her goals and encourage her to pursue her dreams.
78. What Is Your Biggest Passion?
Is your girlfriend passionate about her work, a hobby, or a cause? Understanding her passions can help you support her and make her happy. It can also give you ideas for new activities to do together.
79. Do You Find It Hard to Trust People?
Some people find it hard to trust others, while others are more trusting. If your girlfriend has a hard time trusting people, she may need time to get to know you before she feels comfortable opening up. Show her that you’re trustworthy by being honest and reliable.
80. What Would You Say Is Your Biggest Weakness?
We all have weaknesses, and it’s essential to be open and honest about them with your girlfriend. By sharing your weaknesses, you show her that you’re human and willing to be vulnerable in front of her. This can help her feel closer to you and more connected to you.
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81. Do I Ever Make You Unhappy?
If you ask your girlfriend this question, she’ll be able to tell you honestly if there are any areas of your relationship that need improvement. This can help you work on fixing any problems in your relationship before they become bigger issues.
82. What Do You Admire Most About Me?
Questions to ask a girl you like can be about anything, but one way to get to know her better is to ask about the things she admires in you. This can help you understand what she likes about you and why she’s attracted to you.
83. What Is One Secret You’ve Wanted to Tell Me, but Haven’t?
If your girlfriend has something that she’s been wanting to tell you but hasn’t, this question can help her feel more comfortable opening up to you. It’s important to create an environment in your relationship where your girlfriend feels like she can openly share her thoughts and feelings with you.
84. What Do You Think Is My Best Quality?
This question can help you learn more about what your girlfriend values in you. It can also help you work on developing those qualities that she admires.
85. What Is Your Guilty Pleasure?
We all have things that we enjoy that we may not want to admit to others. Such deep questions to ask your girlfriend can help you learn more about her hidden side.
86. Who Would Be a Stricter Parent?
This question can help you learn more about each other’s parenting styles. It can also help you gauge how compatible you are with this important issue.
87. Do You Admire Your Parents’ Parenting Style?

Parents can be role models for their children, whether or not they realize it. This question can help you learn more about your girlfriend’s thoughts on her parents. It can also give you insight into how she may want to parent in the future.
88. Who Influences You the Most?
This question can help you learn more about your girlfriend’s values and the people she looks up to.
89. What Would You Do If a Close Friend Started Saying Mean Things About You?
This question can help gauge your girlfriend’s loyalty and how she handles conflict. It can also show you how she handles stress.
90. Would You Ever Want to Be Famous? Why or Why Not?
Random questions to ask your girlfriend could include her thoughts on fame. This question can help you better understand her values and what she finds important in life.
91. Do You Think People Are Influenced More by Nature or Nurture?
This question can help you understand your girlfriend’s thoughts on human behavior. It can also give you insight into her philosophy on life.
92. What Would You Do If You Won the Lottery?
If you don’t know any questions to ask your GF, this one is a good place to start. It can help you learn more about her financial plans and goals.
93. How Would You React If I Lose My Money and Become Bankrupt?
Money is often a source of stress and arguments in relationships. Asking this question can help you gauge your girlfriend’s level of support and understanding.
94. What’s Your Favorite Sexual Memory of Us?
Every girl wants to feel loved and appreciated. This one will let her know that you cherish your intimate moments together. Also, with these questions to fall in love, you can keep that flame burning brightly.
95. Can You Tell Where I Have Moles in My Body?
You will be surprised how much your girlfriend knows about your body. This can be a fun game to play in the bedroom.
96. Where Is Your Favorite Spot to Be Kissed?
Knowing where your girlfriend enjoys being kissed can help you create more passionate moments together. Such sex questions to ask a girl can also help to build trust and deepen your relationship.
If such fun questions to ask your girlfriend are not comfortable for you, you can start with simpler questions that can still help you get to know her better.
97. What Is Your Favorite Place to Be Touched?
You can ask questions like, “What is your favorite place to be touched?” “What feels good?” and “What turns you on?” to learn more about what makes her feel good. These fun questions to ask your girlfriend are perfect for finding out what she likes and doesn’t like in the bedroom.
98. What Is the Craziest Thing You’ve Done in the Bedroom?
Such hot questions to ask a girl can help you get to know her better and explore the boundaries of your sexual relationship. If she’s open to it, she may even be willing to share some steamy stories with you!
99. Have You Ever Given Thought to Make the First Move On Someone?
This question can help you figure out if your girlfriend is the type of person who likes to take charge in relationships or if she prefers to let her partner make the first move.
Final Thoughts
Building a strong, lasting relationship takes effort from both partners. These 99 questions to ask a girl will allow you to better understand what she needs from you to feel loved and supported. Be sure to listen carefully to her answers and take them to heart – after all, the cornerstone of any great relationship is communication!